At the heart of MBMA's operations lies a highly profitable and advanced Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace (RKEF) smelter, located in the strategic Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP).

MBMA’s RKEF Smelters, built by the Tsingshan Group, have been producing Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) from saprolite ore since early 2020.
There are 2 operations and profitable RKEF Smelters, PT Cahaya Smelter Indonesia (CSID) and PT Bukit Smelter Indonesia (BSID), each capable of producing 19,000 tonnes of nickel in NPI per annum.
MBMA also has a third smelter which has been operating from the second half of 2023, PT Zhao Hui Nickel (ZHN), with a nameplate capacity of 50,000 tonnes of nickel in NPI per annum.
To capture additional downstream value, MBMA plans to modify existing smelters lines to produce low-grade nickel matte, a key feedstock in high-grade nickel matte conversion.